Celebrating the Move4Malawi
We are humbled by the results of our Fundraiser. Drumroll... please!
To date, we have raised $66,650.00!!!
We had 75 participants "Move" from August 26 to September 23, totalling almost 12,000 km and 432 donations tallied. There were teams in the Lower Mainland, Smithers and Victoria. "One Day Events" were held in each center to give athletes the opportunity to join us for just one day. We shared lunch together, enjoying the stories and connections. Most importantly, donations were requested and received.
We can't thank all involved enough! The energy, the generosity, the effort, the determination, the results we will all see and enjoy are beyond our expectations. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Anybody Starting School?
Has a child in your family started school this week? This is a big event! Our ECD Preschool just started another season too. This is another big event. We have 60 children signed up, with teachers ready and eager to start this great new year. Take a look at the nutrition and weight monitoring of all these precious young ones.
Container Donations Fill Crucial Need
The family of one of our preschool children had a tragedy strike their family. They had a home fire, losing all their belonging, clothes and stored food. Within the day our team at Mitongwe had gathered some clothes from the Container supply, checked on the family and delivered clothes and 25 kg of maize. We plan to help repair the roof in the next few weeks.
Blendina is now back at Preschool and her family is on the road to recovery. We are so thankful for this and for all who donated to our recent container.
Dirt Science
Listen up, folks! We are training on composting! Yes, you heard me right, compost! What is that, you ask? Well, it's the best way to turn scraps into treasure! You see, composting is not only good for the environment, but it is also good for our farmer's wallet! Why spend money on chemical fertilizers when they can make their own organic fertilizer from organic materials? Composting helps our farmers save money and improve their soil quality! It's a no-brainer, trust me. It's not rocket science, it's dirt science!!